Skolens vedtagne principper, politikker, notater m.m. Dokumenter Antimobbestrategi 12.06.19.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Kost og måltidspolitik 290419.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Retningslinjer for svømning og badning i skole og SFO Lemvig Kommune.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for lærerskift i klasser 150616.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for lektier290216.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Ordensregler 20.01.20.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Ud-af-huset aktiviteter 05.03.19.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Når sorgen rammer folder januar 2018.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for skole hjem samarbejdet.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Spilleregler for samarbejdet.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Vedr. forældreråd.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for ekskursioner lejrskoler og skolerejser 02052023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.